Sprog Week

Web Design & Wordpress Theming - 2016

About The Project:

Sprog Inc is a children's charity dedicated to sending underserved children in the Kirkwood, Missouri, community to an academic summer camp.

As part of a fundraising campaign in 2016, 'SPROG WEEK' was designed. This was a seven day project wherein members of the community hosted events raising funds and awareness of the program.

The organizers needed a website that was easily updated and accessible allowing community members quickly know what events were happening at various locations in the city.

This was done by simply making each 'event' a new 'post' as part of the Wordpress taxonomy. Each day of the week was then created as a category, and the homepage of the site is simply a custom piece of code to list the post within each category under and expandable heading. It ended up being a fairly elegant solution without the need for extra plugins, or extensions. It just uses existing theme structure and functionality of core Wordpress.

Sprog Week and it's website have come and gone. To view an archive you can find one at sprogweek.jackmceachern.com.

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