
Web Development & Design - 2020

About The Project:

In my time at SuperBrightLEDs.com we've created a number of our own product lines specific to certain lighting applications. The goal of these lines is to better illustrate to customers how a grouping of products interface with each other, or for easy comparison between highly similar products with slightly different feature sets.

In the case of our DiodeDrive series we wanted to unify all of our power supplies under one branding guideline that could be easily speced against other third-party power supply manufacturers.

This led to the creation of DiodeDrive.com. A simple website built on the React framework designed to act as a catalog and branded portal to all of our first-party power supplies sold by SuperBrightLEDs.com.

The project was led jointly by our product marketing lead, graphic design lead, and myself. The site was primarily designed by our graphic designer with some minor contributions from me. Development was lead by me with contributions and support from our graphic design lead.

The site employs a number of npm packages to easily facilitate data updates, animation events, and is fully responsive for mobile and devices of all shapes and sizes.

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