Armchair Analyst

Web Development & Design - 2018 to Present

About The Project:

Armchair Analyst was a personal project I started in 2018 as a way for people to manage and participate in many different college, and pro football survivor pools.

Pro football survivor pools have been around for a long time but are usually managed through email list, or limited other services online which can prove to be costly. I wanted to make something that was free, easy to use, and added a twist with college football since that is what I most enjoy.

Everything was built from the ground up by me using the Laravel framework for php, and features integrations with other APIs such as Mailgun for email notifications of pick status, AWS S3 for image upload, and as of 2019 Stripe for mulligan purchases.

Working on Armchair Analyst has been a personal project in my free time that has taught me a lot about web development and design, both on the front end and backend. It's still active over at and you can view selected screenshots, and marketing material created for it below.

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